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Issue 8
Visual Art

Issue 8 Cover Art: "King of Wings" by Hung Ton
Visual Arts

Route 7 Review
Stress 5 by Edward Michael Supranowicz
Edward Michael Supranowicz is the grandson of Irish and Russian/Ukrainian immigrants. He grew up on a small farm in Appalachia. He has a...

Route 7 Review
Covid Color by Cynthia Yatchman
Cynthia Yatchman is a Seattle based artist and art instructor. A former ceramicist, she received her B.F.A. in painting (UW). She...

Route 7 Review
The Red People by -Wingnut-
-Wingnut- has been an artist his Whole life, as many Artists have. But unlike others, -Wingnut- has spent 20+ years in the Tattoo...

Route 7 Review
Abstraction by Cyrus Carlson
Cyrus Carlson is an abstract painter from the Midwest. Abstraction

Route 7 Review
Obsessive Movement Syndrome-Returning Home 1, 4 & 5 by Alexaner Limarev
Alexander Limarev, freelance artist, mail art artist, curator, poet, photographer from Siberia / Russia. Participated in more than 1000...

Route 7 Review
Island Shoreline Dreamscape by Michael Shoemaker
Michael Shoemaker is a poet, writer, and author of “Rocky Mountain Reflections” (Poets’ Choice, 2023). His photography has appeared in...

Route 7 Review
In Bloom IV & V by Moriah Hampton
Moriah Hampton teaches in the Writing and Critical Inquiry Program at SUNY-Albany. Her fiction, poetry, and photography have appeared in...
Route 7 Review
About Last Night by Courtney McEunn
Courtney McEunn was born in Interlachen, Florida and raised in Lawton, Oklahoma. She received her BA in English at Cameron University and...
Route 7 Review
Neighbors by Babak Movahed
Babak Movahed received both a Bachelor and Master’s degree in American Literature. He defined the type of writer he wanted to become by...
Route 7 Review
Love's Bumpy Ride by Justin Aylward
In the past, Justin has published short stories for Fly on the Wall Press, Fairlight Books, East of the Web and The Write Launch. He also...
Route 7 Review
Sun Poisoning by Robing Vigfusson
Robin Vigfusson’s stories have appeared in South Carolina Review, Foliate Oak, Meat for Tea, Glassworks, Tower Journal, Constellations...
Route 7 Review
Last Visit by Brandon Everett
Brandon Everett is a fiction and non-fiction writer. The genres he writes include: science-fiction, paranormal, noir, thriller, and the...
Creative Non-Fiction
Route 7 Review
Swimming With Aurora by Iver Arnegard
Iver Arnegard has published nonfiction, fiction, and poetry in the North American Review, River Teeth, the Missouri Review, and...
Route 7 Review
The Good Girl's Chemical High by M. Rohr
M. Rohr enjoys getting free therapy by writing about the difficult stuff. She hopes sincerity and honesty helps others feel not-so-alone....
Route 7 Review
The Aftermath by Angela Patera
Angela Patera was born in 1986 in Athens, Greece. She is an ESL teacher and a mother. Having studied English Language and literature at...
Route 7 Review
Mold by Shannon Burns
Shannon Burns is an emerging writer based in Mt. Baldy, California. She has graduated in 2023 with a Bachelors of Arts degree in theater...
Route 7 Review
Alison Stone—My Doctor and I Throw Celebrities at Each Other
Why can't the body heal itself? True, Steve Jobs, who chose juice fasts over conventional treatment, decays on my doctor’s side, but...
Route 7 Review
Riley Mayes—after hope
there is no lily of the valley / there is only one trash bag / lifting its wings / aimlessly down the canal / adrift in air seethed
Route 7 Review
Alexander Etheridge—The Sea and the Light
We never know how the ocean
will finally take us under—
We wait in our dark boats / under the burning moon, / thunderclouds gathering.
Route 7 Review
L. Ward Abel—Consider the Dragonfly
—the dragonfly knows his name / refuses to meditate / understands moments as hours / as days as years, seconds. Short. / Eternal.
Route 7 Review
Ellen Roberts Young—Japanese Print
The fisherman has tied up his boat, / carries two fish on a pole over / his shoulder. Across the wide river / dim vista of trees and bushes,
Route 7 Review
Nothing to eat but snow / As far as I can see. / You’ve turned my eyes right, so / I cannot know what’s back of me: / Shadows—violets
Route 7 Review
Jason Ryberg—ONE WAY
the snow flowing // around it like a / flurry of a million white / moths who’ve mistaken // it for their god, or / just the moon
Route 7 Review
One leap and I was over the hill, my skates and my arms shooting like pistons, on a lake that ran into a river and a river that ran...
Route 7 Review
Clara Howell—Would You Believe Me If I Said: I Still Love You?
If I told you the left shoe you wore had no sole, would you think I was
lying? If you told me the burns on your fingers were from light
Route 7 Review
George Eklund—Beyond the Ellipse
The jets made their marks above us The oceans swelled in the future of our Crippled smiles In the city the opera went broke Only to be...
Route 7 Review
Jeff Newberry—The Fighter
The Fighter After the last one hangs up the gloves and goes home, he’s all mop and scrub, a bucket of cleaner, a white canvas sack full...
Route 7 Review
Courtney Hitson—The Sestina that Sacredness Ended
What, exactly, makes an object or place sacred? Because when I hear that word, I picture a person—my father, alive, inhaling a lake-side...
Route 7 Review
Adrian Potter—Eight Things You Might Not Know About My Clone
1. My clone was that adolescent friend who would come over after school every day but became uber-popular in high school and then...
Route 7 Review
Scott Davidson—Body and Brain
There is only this you need to believe. We are smaller and greater than our bodies. We are not above them. They cover us and we in turn...
Route 7 Review
Travis Park—Alarm Bells
My mom calls me and says she forgot how to use the remote and is beyond frustrated because she can’t watch her favorite weekly show. This...
Route 7 Review
Michelle DeRose—Two Poems
The Spinning Center Well traveled lovers, we have filled the same set of suitcases together for thirty years, know the seams where grit...
Route 7 Review
Larry Narron—board setup: three poems
board setup: griptape i use a razor blade to cut out an oval of sky a screwdriver to file down the perimeter of the night blow the moon...
Route 7 Review
Ariana Alvarado—Portrait of the Artist as a Mosh Pit
Collision. Uneven floors. Broken glass & dizziness. Wasteland. Life grows out of the cracks Of the concrete outside. Wind whips through...
Route 7 Review
Geoff Sawers—No Horizon, Night and Morning
In a white storm the trees were whipping back and forth and you dreamt or thought you dreamt you were adrift on a lake, high hills all...
Route 7 Review
Kevin Brown—The Painter
Because she hasn’t wanted / the water to pour through / her pores, to wear her / away over centuries.
Route 7 Review
Frank Weber—Octopus Blizzard in June
Creepy scaly arms are reaching out across the stones as snow is falling and coating his head still those arms keep reaching and keep on...
Route 7 Review
Nancy Woo—Digital Native
We were introduced to ourselves as numbers on the playground. Mine was always near the end, X, Y, Z. Doesn’t matter if your friends are...
Route 7 Review
John Casquarelli—Nectar
for Jill We met in a parallel universe or in a dream, dream, walked near a riverbank, spoke in fragments. fragments. This is how I recall...
Route 7 Review
Moriah Hampton—Untitled
for Thomasina Winslow (1965-2023) “Can’t tell my future, and I can’t tell my past Lord, it seems like every minute, sure gonna be my...
Route 7 Review
Taylor Necko—Rose Ritual
House backed by Sippo Lake Park, forest trickled into my grandparents’ backyard like dandelion seeds. Oak trees, bumpy and brown bark,...
Route 7 Review
How to Make Tea It could be how to make tea means paying attention to water, to leaf, to cup. In the Chinese way, we use a guywan, a...
Route 7 Review
Michael Colonnese—Old Oak With Mistletoe
For my brother, Joe For nearly two hundred years, it drew strength from this place, but lately its crown of branches looks sparser every...
Route 7 Review
Albert Katz—Boyce Farmers Market in the Late Autumn
from the warmth of my window, looking across the parking lot over the roof of the Boyce Farmer’s market the tree with the one large nest...
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