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Ariana Alvarado—Portrait of the Artist as a Mosh Pit

Route 7 Review

Collision. Uneven floors.

Broken glass & dizziness.

Wasteland. Life grows

out of the cracks

Of the concrete outside.

Wind whips through dyed

Hair & the fabric of skirts.

Black buckles adorn my boots.

Bruises trace the edges

Of skin that was once soft.

It is a self-induced madness.

Who could find their God

In the strangling, the cry for

Help, finally answered?

It is movement untamed.

There is something here

I have yet to name, &

In the chaos of my body

Meeting body meeting

body of stranger,

I am suspended in time

& sound & present in all things,

& when the one above

Calls my name, I answer.

Ariana Alvarado

Ariana Alvarado is an undergraduate student at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky studying English, Creative Writing, and Theology. At Bellarmine, she has served as founder and President of Pen and Sword Open Mic Club. She has also served as an editorial board member, Vice President, and President of the Ariel Literary Society Her work has been published in The White Squirrel Magazine, Preposition: The Undercurrent Anthology, Sanctuary Magazine, and two editions of the Ariel Magazine. Her poem “I ask my father why he believes.” won the Flo Gault Student Poetry Prize in 2022 from Sarabande Books.


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