Route 7 Review
Issue 7

Cactus Tree Scene, Arizona Smith-Lahrman

;Tony Martello

Tony Martello
It is in opposition that I suspend between Helios and Jupiter
Lying low in the solar dust kicked up by Helios and her magnetic pulses
Spat out and orbited around into a
A giant cinnamon twist
To my back, the warmth of her slowly fades
As she drops below blankets of stardust
that cast a rosy light into the night
A fruitful spatial delight
As I lay back, Luna rises in white
Then does her magic as she morphs
Into shades of yellow and gold
By the time she reaches the universal roof
She has transformed into a silvery strawberry
pancake that you won’t see at breakfast time
Natives from across the land gather crates
and baskets weaved with straw
They plan for harvest in morning to pluck the red berry
that waits with morning dew and drizzly fog beading on the green leaves
of the crop
Once a year in June she has a chance to presume
she has a place in space
To steal the light from other planetary delights
Even Jupiter in all his circular might
Entices her with layers of promise that Luna
Can’t escape...
She floats to him
Blushing and blooming
With a celestial desire
To be the most adorned body
In the sky

The Ceiling, LiJune Choi
Murder Ballads
Jeff Fleischer
After brushing a few spare chips into a pile, the portly dealer took the top card from the deck and slapped it forcefully on the discard pile to burn it. He placed the next offering as the fifth card in the middle of the table, and flipped it. The eight of diamonds. If the tavern windows weren’t shut tight, Clive would have sworn he felt a breeze. He tried to keep his expression blank as he revisited his hand and scanned the faces of his opponents.

Duality, Choong Yoon Lee

Visual Arts

Anna Red, Anna Frankl

Collapse, Anna Frankl

Comfortably Dazed, Alex Lee

Delay, Henie Cho

Wasted Heroes, Choong Yoong Lee

Tripical Road, KR Photography

Take the Tranquil Path, Athena Madsen

East Berlin, 2019, Cecilia Gigliotti

Author and Artist Bios