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Larry Narron—board setup: three poems

Route 7 Review

board setup: griptape

i use a razor

blade to cut out

an oval of sky

a screwdriver

to file down

the perimeter

of the night

blow the moon

dust off

my fingers

board setup: bolts

moods swing between

phillips & allen

one silver bolt

in the northeastern part

of these heavens

just under a light

year away from my heel

i'll take whatever

light's left of these

dim constellations

trusting their suns

won't rattle

won't slowly

unscrew themselves

from the sky as they burn

board setup: trucks

mall grabbers unite

give a shoutout

to the slappy kids

to the speed wobbles

we had coming

no matter how

many times you kiss

the concrete

you can't give up

the reward

of rolling away

so what

if you were born

& raised

in wheelbite city

grind the soul

all the way

to the axle

Larry Narron

Larry Narron's poems have appeared in Phoebe, Bayou, Hobart, Booth, and Sugar House Review, among others. They've been nominated for the Best of the Net and Best New Poets. Larry's first chapbook, Wasted Afterlives, was published in 2020 by Main Street Rag. He teaches language arts at a secondary school in San Diego.


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